"Collective worship, in particular class worship, allows pupils to relate biblical material to the school’s Christian values and to their own lives."
(SIAMS Report 2016)
Collective Worship at Selling CE Primary School is the time for the whole school to gather, to be given the opportunity to grow spiritually as well as having ‘time to breathe’. We start every day with Worship and it is a central element of school life here that is an enjoyable and uplifting time for adults and young people alike.
Our Collective Worship varies throughout the week:
Monday: Whole School Worship focuses on a particular theme that is introduced on a Monday and revisited throughout the week. This is led by Mr Paez, the Headteacher and the Christian Ambassadors. Once a term, Worship is based on our vision and how this relates to one of our four values. The value is referred to throughout the week, during lessons and playtime. Staff praise children as they express the value and reward them appropriately.
Tuesday: Spirituality Sessions are separated into KS1 and KS2 so that the children can approach the theme of the week in an age-appropriate form.
Wednesday: Singing Worship is a chance for us to show praise through song and to come together for a singing practice as well as considering the week's value.
Thursday: Class Worship is an opportunity for class teachers to lead Worship within their classrooms, in smaller groups and allows children to ask the 'big questions' they might have. The value is reinforced during these sessions too. Children can also learn about and reflect upon a topical news story; they discuss how it makes them feel and what they can do to help.
Friday: Celebration Worship is our chance to celebrate all the pupils who have shone that week! Awards are given out by staff and pupils for showing our school values; our pupils' achievements are shared with parents in our fortnightly newsletter. Friday Worship is also a chance to celebrate achievements outside of school.
What do our children say about our Collective Worship?
We learn about the Holly Bible.
Noel, Year 1
I like Collective Worship because we learn together as a whole school.
Indigo, Year 2
We have the candle on and it brings Jesus and God into our Collective Worship.
Sonny, Year 2
I like Collective Worship because we learn more about God and can be also be with Him.
Connie, Year 5
It is nice to be with others and share our ideas in Worship.
Dolly, Year 5
Our Worship Partners
We are very blessed to have regular visitors to lead some of our worship. Rev. Peter and the Family Trust are much loved members of our school family, who through worship, deliver important messages to children and staff which encourage us all to think, reflect and talk about God and our own personal faith too.