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Year 5/6 Oak

Welcome to Oak Class. Term 1! 


                                                                         Term 1


A warm welcome to all them Oak class families and children! 


I hope that you all had a fantastic summer break. I know that some of you have been away on adventures far and near, and I am looking forward to hearing all about them. Those of you who maybe didn't get to travel this holiday, I am also looking forward to hearing how you have spent your time off. My family have had a wonderful break, but I am looking forward to being back in the classroom, teaching and learning. 


The staff in Year 5/6 this term are myself (Miss Leitch), Mrs Fidge, Miss Arnone and Miss Martin. If you would like to contact us please send an email or call to the office and we will get back to you as soon as possible. The email is [email protected] and the number is 01227 752202.


This term our topic is "Why does population change" where we will consider birth and death rate, migration and push and pull factors for different areas. We will do some field work in Selling later on in the term so watch this space for more details nearer the time. 


We will be looking the book "Shackleton's Journey" to discover the endeavors of Ernest Shackleton and his crew, through his dangerous journey through the Antarctic!


This term year 5 children will go swimming on Tuesday afternoon, and Year 6 will stay at school for PE with me. This will switch around for term 2. Our 'Team Theme' PE day will be on a Friday. 


  • Year 5: Swim kit Tuesday and PE kit on Friday.
  • Year 6: PE kit Tuesday and Friday. 


Children may wear their PE kits to school on PE days as normal.


Please check the topic web below to find out about all the other fantastic learning your child will do in Term 1. There is also a home learning menu. It is optional, but it would be really lovely to see anything your child does at home, so that we can celebrate it in school. The weekly timetable is also available, and I will post the spellings here too, in case the spelling sheets go missing en route home! 


Homework: We do ask that children read their book and practice their times tables at least 3 time a week at home. They also have spellings to practice every day, with a test on Fridays.


Here is to a wonderful term for everyone, and a brilliant year ahead!


Best wishes, 

Miss Leitch 

