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This week we worked on the different features of our fact file. We re-wrote our own introduction using facts, sorted information under sub-headings and also wrote descriptive sentences for a new paragraph. We also worked on using the present tense correctly.

This week we have begun exploring our new class text. We had clues about our text that we had to try and work out. We then explored examples of fact files, sorted animals under different adjectives and then also explored the WAGOLL that we will be working from.

In English this week we have continued working on setting descriptions. We started by matching pictures to a setting description. We then started working on our toolkit phase of writing by working on subordinating and co-ordinating conjunctions. We then wrote expanded noun phrases.

In this lesson we made predictions using the same pictures from our new class text. We thought about what would happen next based on what we could see in the picture.

During this lesson we were making inferences based on pictures from our new class text. We were using our detective skills to think about how the character was feeling or what happened and using the evidence in the picture to explain why.
