Whole-Class reading lessons - VIPERS:
Once reading fluency is established, children participate in whole-class reading lessons. We follow a whole-school, quality text based approach to English lessons which also feed into our reading lessons. We have planned a progressive and engaging English curriculum based around high-quality, challenging texts for each year group. The children are immersed into the same text via English lessons and the daily reading lesson. These sessions are led by the class teacher and allow the children to develop their comprehension skills through following a clear progression from year to year. We use reading VIPERS as our way of supporting children with their reading comprehension skills. All children work on VIPERS during class reading, whether it is reading as a class, in a small group, or one-to-one with an adult. Class teachers plan reading lessons that explicitly teach, model and then practice each of the VIPERS skills. Please see below for tips on how to support your child using VIPERS at home.