For the school year 2023-24 we are running a mixed Year 1/2 class and a mixed Year 3/4 class.
Below are some answers to 'frequently asked questions' by parents about this.
Why and how has the decision to mix year groups been made?
Every autumn all schools review their admissions policies for publication for subsequent intakes. The current PAN is 30 and in the last 3 years our intake for new Reception starters has been well below this number. As a result of low pupil numbers, we remain around 80 pupils short of the number of pupils needed for a 1 form entry school and this has significant implications for a school.
How will teachers plan, ensuring coverage of both the Year 1 and 2 curriculums, preventing repetition of content?
Will my child be held back if they are placed in a mixed-aged class?
No. The ways in which learning and teaching are organised in primary schools means that teaching and work is tailored to the needs and current achievement levels of individual pupils. The staff at Selling CE Primary School are experienced at planning and delivering work to match the needs of mixed age learning. They provide challenge for the more able children and support for those needing more help whichever year group they are currently in. Much work across OCMAT is undertaken in small groups that contain children from 1 or 2 year groups or those of similar existing achievement levels and therefore teachers at Selling CE Primary School are well supported. Furthermore, the school plans the educational experiences for pupils in all classes in ways which ensure good progression and continuity, whichever year group or class they are in.
How will pupil progress be monitored?
Research based benefits to mixed-aged classes
A study by Simon Veenman titled ‘Cognitive and Noncognitive Effects of Multigrade and Multi-Age Classes: A Best-Evidence Synthesis’ found that there is no empirical evidence that student learning suffered in any way in multi age (mixed age) classrooms. Children in such classrooms did not learn more or less than students in single age classes. In fact, students in multi age classes scored higher on attitudes towards school, personal adjustment and self-concept than students in single age classes.
Selling CE Primary School's academic attainment and progress overtime is testament to the success of continuous school improvements and high standards rather than whether pupils are in a mixed-aged class or not. We are very proud that a high proportion of our children attain significantly above national and local comparisons, not only to attain the expected standard, but go beyond this to achieve greater depth. This represents many years of hard work and dedication from the beginning of Early Years to Year 6.
If you have any questions about class structure, please don’t hesitate to contact Mr Paez via the office: