Our Community Multi Academy Trust offers generic policies for its schools, which are reflected on this website. The individuality of each school’s context means there may be occasions when a school needs to include appendices to the main policy document in line with its own context. As a Trust, we continually review all our policies.
As an Academy Trust, our Articles of Association determine our governance structure. For a copy of this and further information about the Trust's governance, including membership and attendance at governance meetings, please click the link below.
For information about Our Community Multi Academy Trust, click here.
For financial information relating to the Our Community Multi Academy Trust, click here.
Further information relating to our local and Trust governance can also be seen on
DFE Website 'Get Information About Schools' (GIAS). Please click HERE.
If you are interested in becoming a member of our Local Monitoring Council (local Governance) or a Trustee, please click HERE, to go to the Vacancies page on Our Community Multi Academy Trust for further information and an application form.
Selling CEP School has a Local Monitoring Council, which comprises of the Headteacher, a staff Governor, two Parent/Carer Governors, the local incumbent and up to five Foundation Governors.
Kevin Hobson Chair | Foundation Governor | 26.01.2021 – 25.01.2025 |
Gaby Morgan | Staff Governor | 01.09.2023 – 13.01.2025 |
Peter Newell | Incumbent/Ex-Officio | 14.01.2021 - 13.01.2025 |
Starzia Dior | Foundation Governor | 30.04.2024 - 29.04.2027 |
Chris Skelton | Foundation Governor | 01.04.24 - 31.03.2027 |
Richard Paez | Headteacher/ Ex-Officio | Ongoing |
Local Monitoring Councils are chaired by one of its members. They provide local challenge to the Headteacher using the published School Improvement Plan as a basis for their monitoring.