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Year 2: Blossom

Welcome to Year 2, we are Cherry Blossom Class!


Our teachers are Miss Morgan and Mrs Leader. 



We value communication with our children's families to help provide the best support and education for your children. Please either speak to us at the end of the school day or contact us through the School Office. If you have an queries, concerns or good news to share! 


Our PE lessons this term are on Wednesday and Friday - please come into school wearing your PE kit and bring your school uniform in case they need to get changed. 

Please provide appropriate clothing as PE lessons will be outside where possible. 


Best wishes,


Miss Morgan and Mrs Leader. 

Reading Books


Little Wandle reading books will be changed every Friday. 

The sharing books can be changed as soon as they have been read. The reading practice books will have been read in class first prior to being sent home.

Those children who move onto Accelerated Reader can complete quizzes about their books and change them once they have been read. 




