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Year 3/4: Beech

Welcome to Beech Class. Term 1

We hope you enjoyed the summer holidays and had some WOW moments that led to some interesting reflections and discovered some new things about the world. Mrs Harding and myself are looking forward to our first year of learning together with you and we are very excited to dive into the world of volcanoes this term with our brand new and fabulous Year 3 and 4 team!


Our PE lessons this term are on Mondays and Fridays. On Mondays, the children will have teacher-led lessons and on Fridays, we shall be joined by Team Theme.  Please come into school on Mondays and Fridays wearing your PE kit (white t-shirt, black shorts/ jogging bottom, black hoodie/ jumper and trainers).


We value communication with our children's families to provide the best support and education for your children. Please either speak to us at the end of the school day or contact us via the school office with any queries or good news to share: [email protected].


Best wishes,


Miss Levasseur and Mrs Harding.



We use Accelerated Reader to help your child choose books suitable for their reading level. Please support your child to record their reading at home using the Reading Record sent home on the first day of term. The children will be expected to bring it in each time they have read anything at home. Each completed record in the book (one for each read, remining us of the title of the book, date, minutes and general comment if you'd like to add one) must be signed by a parent or carer so that this reading can be monitored by us. Encourage your children to complete AR quizzes at home as well, to develop their comprehension skills in addition to the reading opportunities we provide in school. 



In addition to reading and practising times tables you can also support your child at home by practising their spellings each week on Purple Mash. Every week we shall explore a new spelling pattern in class and then practise words with that pattern throughout the week, your child will also bring their spellings home to continue practising. These lists of spellings will be available on this page too following the "Spellings" link at the bottom of the page.

Beech class Term 1 Timetable

Beech class Term 1 Topic Web

Beech class Term 1 Home Learning Menu

Your child is welcome to choose any number of the suggested activities from the home learning menu above.

The activities are linked to the learning in school and will encourage their independence, develop their creativity and curiosity.

Please also continue to read at home with their reading practice books and fill in + return their reading record, signed.


Thank you!


Miss Levasseur
