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Spellings and Phonics

Week 6


Phonics Spellings:  

This week we are reviewing all the alternative sounds we have learnt this term and also doing a mock Phonics Screening Check. 


Tricky words: many, any, friend, through, two, your, eye, because


Year 2 Spellings: This week we are reviewing homophones. 

  • great/grate
  • son/sun
  • buy/bye
  • whole/hole
  • blue/blew
  • hare/hair

Week 5


Phonics Spellings:  

(ur) ear - learn, early, earth, search, heard, rehearsal

(r) wr - wrist, wrong, wrapping, wriggle, write, wrinkle

(s) st, sc  - listen, whistle, castle, science, muscle, scent

schwa at the end of words - collar, sailor, actor, caterpillar, flavour, colour


Tricky words: many, any, friend, through, two, your, eye, because


Year 2 Spellings: This week we are reviewing contractions. 

  • should've
  • couldn't
  • don't
  • I'll
  • we're
  • they'll
  • it's
  • I'm
  • would've
  • you've
  • hadn't
  • wouldn't

Week 4


Phonics Spellings: We are reviewing these sounds from last week to make sure we are secure with all the alternative sounds for 'a'. 

(ar) a - father, nasty, mask, craft, branching

(or) a - water, ball, small, tall

(o) a - want. squash, swap, wasp, watch

(air) ear/ere - bear, pear, wear, tear, there, where


Year 2 Spellings: This week we are looking at words ending in '-tion'. 

  • station 
  • fiction
  • motion
  • section
  • addition 
  • subtraction
  • potion
  • option
  • introduction

Week 3


Phonics Spellings:

(ar) a - father, nasty, mask, craft, branching

(or) a - water, ball, small, tall

(o) a - want. squash, swap, wasp, watch

(air) ear/ere - bear, pear, wear, tear, there, where


Year 2 Spellings: This week we are working using the suffixes -less and -ly.

  • badly
  • slowly
  • quickly
  • happily
  • hopeless
  • joyless
  • careless
  • fearless

Week 2


Phonics Spellings:

(or) au, aur, oor - author, dinosaur, floor, door

(ch) tch - patch, kitchen, itchy

(ch) ture - adventure, picture, feature

(ar) al - palm, calm, almond


Year 2 Spellings: This week we are working on the possessive apostrophe. 

Here are some examples. Can you think of some more examples at home?

  • This is Rachel's car. 
  • That is Owen's dog. 
  • I ate a slice of Sarah's pizza. 
  • Daniel broke his mum's necklace. 

Week 1 

Phonics Sounds:

  •  (ee) ey - donkey, monkey, money
  •  (ur) or - word, work, world, worse
  • (oo) u, oul - awful, playful, could, pudding, octopus, would, should
  • (air) are - share, square, stare, care, dare, scare


Year 2 Spellings: This week we will be working on making words that end in 'y' plural. This involves changing the 'y' to '-ies'.

  •  bodies
  •  lollies
  •  babies
  • berries
  • butterflies
  • ladies
  • stories
  • bunnies
  • ponies
  • puppies


