Our school is committed to equality both as an employer and a service provider:
Equality Objectives for Selling CEP School 2021 – 2025
Objective 1: To ensure school policies and practices acknowledge that some children do not identify the same as their biological sex and to eradicate stereotyping.
Why we have chosen this objective: some organisational practices are not in line with modern times and need refreshing; some children have identified inequality between genders;
To achieve this objective we will: review all organisation practices such as how children are grouped, team races will not reflect gender, positions of responsibility will not reflect gender; make the options for school uniform open to all (move away from division of boys’ and girls’ uniforms)
Objective 2: In an age-appropriate way, promote an awareness and understanding of different types of relationships relating to protected characteristics through our curriculum.
Why we have chosen this objective: As a Church of England School, reflecting the Christian belief that everyone is made in the image of God is central.
To achieve this objective we will: ensure our RSE scheme of work reflects all different types of relationships; through our PSHE provision, educate the children to be respectful and accepting towards those who are different and value our unique characteristics and qualities; ensure the children have access to reading books which reflect all the different types of relationships
Objective 3: Increase the representation of staff from black and minority ethnic communities so that our staff team is reflective of the local area.
Why we have chosen this objective: our school staff are predominately White British (96%). Although the local town of Faversham has 93% White British residents, our local city of Canterbury has 76.5% (2011 census) with a much higher proportion of Asian/Asian British residents (7%) and mixed ethnic groups 2.6%
To achieve this objective we will: advertise online and on social media reaching a wider audience
Objective 4: Ensure our school website is accessible for a wide range of languages enabling parents and carers to access key information about their child’s school.
Why we have chosen this objective: there is an increasing amount of diversity of culture in our school with families new to the UK who have limited English language
To achieve this objective we will: Develop our school website to include translations of key documents and text to ensure it is accessible to parents whose English language is not yet strong.