Attainment: the academic standard that pupils reach in, for example, assessments and exams. It's usually recorded as grades, scores or levels, and it indicates a pupil’s result at the end of a Key Stage.
For Reading, Writing, and Maths in KS1 and KS2, pupils working within the curriculum standards will be assigned either Working towards, Working at, or Working above (Greater Depth); those that are working below the curriculum standards will be assessed as Working below.
Progress: pupils’ achievements over a period of time (rather than attainment at a single point), for example from Term 2 to Term 4. It’s the difference between pupils’ previous attainment and current attainment. When measuring a pupil’s progress, the DfE also takes into account the progress of pupils with similar starting points.
What do we mean by 'Expected Progress'?
The report uses the terms Below Expected, Expected Progress, and Above Expected to describe pupils' journey between two points.
Expected Progress will indicate that there has been no change in attainment over the selected period. For example, a child that was Working at in Term 2 and is Working at in Term 4 will be making Expected Progress. Pupils that drop down in attainment (i.e. Working at to Working towards) are described as having made Below Expected progress; those that move up a band (i.e. Working at to Working above) have made Above Expected progress.
N.B. Where starting points are significantly lower than where a pupil is expected to be, 'Above Expected' progress may not necessarily mean they move up in attainment.
At both Key Stages all students will be assessed on their Attitude to Learning across eight main areas;
The following chart defines the high standard we want all students to aim for. We believe that great learning happens when students challenge themselves to work hard and aim high.
Well-being | Participation | Quality of work | Attitude to learning | Organisation | Behaviour | Response to instructions | Reading at home | |
Excellent | Pupils are:
| Pupil actively listens, helps to move the discussions forward with deeper questions and well though-out answers. | Pupil's work is consistently neat and completed to a high standard. | Pupil is concentrated, creative, energetic and persistent throughout nearly all the observed period. | Pupils mostly always know where their resources are and regularly check to ensure their belongings are with them or safely packed away. | Pupil's behaviour is exemplary and the pupil is a role model to their peers. | Pupil is a reflective learner who always takes onboard both positive and negative feedback to help improve. | Pupil reads at home almost every day. |
Good | Pupils are:
| Pupil actively listens and joins in the discussions by answering questions. They ask (mostly surface) questions and occasionally provides evidence to support responses. | Pupil's work is sometimes neat and is usually completed to the best of their ability. | The pupil's activity has intense moments and at all times they seem involved. | Pupils will usually have their learning materials with them and usually are able to keep track of their belongings. | The pupil has high expectations of their behaviour. | Pupil is a reflective learner who usually takes onboard both positive and negative feedback to help improve. | Pupil reads at home frequently. |
Low | Pupils are sometimes:
| Pupil passively listens and follows the discussion but participates minimally or takes the discussion off-topic. They rarely ask or answer questions. | Pupil sometimes shows care and attention to their learning but presentation needs to be more of a focus. | The pupil is busy with the activity but at a fairly routine level and there are few signs of real involvement. They make some progress with what they are doing but do not show much energy and concentration and can be easily distracted. | Pupils regularly misplace learning materials and occasionally misplace their belongings. | Pupil's behaviour is sometimes inconsistent and reminders and warning are needed to ensure they are following the school rules. | Pupil sometimes acts upon advise given to them by staff but may need prompts to achieve the desired outcome. | Pupil seldom reads at home. |
Please note that where children have been assessed as Low, the class teacher will be able to discuss with you strategies that are being explored to support your child in moving towards Good.