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Selling Church of England Primary School

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At Selling CE Primary School, it is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in school-organised events outside normal school hours. We ask children to wear their polo-shirts/shirts tucked into their skirts, shorts or trousers and to take a pride in their personal appearance. School uniform is a way of showing that the children and parents/carers are READY, RESPECTFUL and SAFE, in line with our whole-school ethos.



* As a guide, Summer uniform may be worn during Autumn term until October half term and again in Summer 1 and Summer 2 term, after Easter break.



PE Kits




For reasons of health and hygiene it is essential that a change of clothes is available for after P.E. 


Forest School


Children are asked to come into school on the day of their Forest School session wearing their Forest School clothing. Parents/carers will be informed of their children’s Forest School days via our website and/or via Arbor reminders.

Their usual uniform must be brought in for them to change into as children may get muddy and/or wet.

Arms and legs must be covered to avoid scratches and/or stings.

Parents/carers are responsible for ensuring that their child is dressed appropriately for Forest School

and brings their uniform to change back into.


Forest School clothing is as follows:


• Waterproof coat (or waterproof jacket in warmer weather)

• Comfortable tracksuit bottoms or leggings (not shorts)

• Long-sleeved top

• Wellington boots or old trainers

• Appropriate hat for the weather

• Scarf and gloves (in colder weather)


Additional items include:


• Waterproof trousers

• Spare socks

• Spare underwear


All items of clothing and footwear must be labelled with the pupil’s name.


Water Bottles


All children should bring a water bottle into school every day: this can be refilled by children whenever

necessary during the day.

Water bottles must be labelled with the pupil’s name.


Jewellery and Make Up


Nail varnish, fake nails, nail extensions, make up and jewellery is not acceptable. Children may wear small, plain stud earrings but, for safety reasons, earrings should NOT be worn in PE lessons, during swimming lessons, or during any sporting competitions. Children are encouraged not to wear earrings on days when they are taking

part in any of these activities. Alternatively, they should be able to remove their earrings on their own.

Taping of earrings is no longer permitted.

Children may wear small, discreet watches which must be removed for PE. Smart watches are not permitted.


Where to get your school uniform


There are three online uniform providers for you to purchase uniform with the school logo on. Please select  any of the following links / / where you will be able to order online.


Both clip-on ties and standard ties are only available from the school (not via the uniform websites). Please speak with the school office staff if you require a tie or you can order them directly from Arbor..


If you are struggling financially to provide your child with uniform, please speak to Mr Paez or Miss Clarke (FLO) in confidence. 
