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Selling Church of England Primary School

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SIAMS Report

We are delighted to be able to share with you our latest SIAMS report.


The SIAMS Inspection on May 7th 2024 reported that 'The inspection findings indicate that Selling Church of England Primary is living up to its foundation as a Church school.'


The report shares some particular key strengths:

  • The vision and linked Bible verses create a strong sense of belonging. This gives opportunities for each one to grow in self-worth.
  • Pastoral care and focus on wellbeing are tangible and an effective outworking of the school vision of nurture and inclusion. All ages watch over one another with love.
  • Shaped by the school’s vision, the enriching curriculum meets the diverse needs of pupils, including the most vulnerable. The Trust offers specific and valuable support to Selling in this capacity.
  • Inspirational collective worship contributes to staff and pupils’ ability to reflect deeply on their own and the lives of others. In this way it has a significant impact on the school community, developing their spirituality.
  • The religious education (RE) curriculum engages and enthuses pupils in their learning enabling them to think critically and explore deep questions successfully.