Week 3
Phonics Spellings:
- Grow the code 'ai' - eight, aight, ey, ea - eight, straight, break, grey, great, prey
- 'kn' - know, knee knock
- 'gn' - sign, gnaw, gnash, gnome
- 'mb' - thumb, lamb, comb, climb, crumb, bomb
- Grow the code 'ear' - ere, eer - deer, cheer, sneer, steer, here, meerkat
Tricky words: busy, beautiful, pretty, hour
Year 2 Spellings: This week our spelling rule is the 'j' sound spelt with a 'ge' or 'dge'.
- badge
- edge
- bridge
- dodge
- fudge
- age
- huge
- change
- charge
- village
Week 2
Phonics Spellings:
This week we are preparing for the Phonics Screening Check so will be reviewing alternative sounds.
Year 2 Spellings: This week our spelling rule is to add -ing, -ed, -er, -est and -y to words.
- patting
- patted
- humming
- hummed
- dropping
- dropped
- sadder
- saddest
- runner
- runny
Week 1
Phonics Spellings:
- 'ph' - phone, dolphin, photo, elephant, alphabet, triumph
- 'wh' - whine, white, whistle, whisper, wheel, whale
- 'ie' - shield, field, shriek, brownie, bodies, belief
- 'g' - gem, giant, gentle, ginger, magic, danger
Tricky words: they, sure, pure, said, were, one, says, here, today, their, people, your, any, many, who, whole
We will also be reviewing these sounds in preparation for the Phonics Screening Check:
- a-e - shake, make, bake, mistake, lake
- e-e - concrete, trapeze, compete
- i-e - shine, crime, fine, line
- o-e - phone, bone, home, alone
- u-e- cute, huge, mute, flute
- a, e, i, o u - paper, he, tiger, go, unicorn
- are - care, share, mare, hare
Year 2 Spellings: This week we will be reviewing previously taught spellings and common exception words.
- Possessive apostrophe.
- Contractions
- Common Exception Words (door, floor, poor, find, because, kind, mind, behind, child, wild, climb, most, only, both, old, cold, gold, hold, told, every, everybody, children)
- Words ending in 'tion' (station, fraction, addition, motion, section, invitation, portion, competition, caption, caution)