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26.4.24 - School Closure

As school is closed today here are some activities that you could complete at home. 



  • An arithmetic sheet for Year 1 and Year 2. 
  • You could also work on the WhiteRose 1 Minute Maths app if you are able to download it. 



  • Write some interesting facts about the sea creature you designed. Does it have any special talents or skills? Does it glow in the dark? Can it swim at 100mph?
  • Read a variety of books at home including your reading books. Do you have any newspapers/comics/magazines that you could read as well?
  • Practice the spellings or phonics sounds that we have been learning - this can also be found on our class page!




  • Get some fresh air on this lovely sunny day! Can you practice some of the balances you worked on yesterday? Can you hold the balance for 10 seconds without wobbling?


Design and Technology:

  • Start practicing your threading skills. Find a piece of paper or cardboard at home and ask your grown ups to help you make some holes in it. You could then use string, thread or even an old shoe lace and practice threading it through the different holes. 