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Phonics Week 5


This week we are recapping previously taught sounds. 


ph - phone, photo, dolphin, elephant, alphabet, triumph

wh - whine, white, whistle, whisper, wheel, whale

ie - shield, field, shriek, brownie, bodies, belief

g - gem, giant, gentle, ginger, magic, danger



We have also recap these tricky words:


  • friend
  • once
  • our
  • because
  • laugh

Phonics Week 4


This week we are recapping previously taught sounds. 


i - wild, tiger, find, kind, child, spider

a - acorn, paper, later, chasing, basic, baking

ow - grow, show, follow, snow, arrow, window

u - unicorn, music, unit, stupid, human, tuna



We have also recap these tricky words:


  • two
  • eye
  • thought
  • through
  • friend

Phonics Week 3


This week we are recapping previously taught sounds. 


ea - spread, bread, head, breakfast, feather

ir - girl, bird, shirt, first, skirt

ou - cloud, sound, about, out, proud, found

oy - boy, enjoy, toy, annoy, joy, destroy



We have also recap these tricky words:


  • any
  • many
  • who
  • whole
  • two

Phonics Week 2


This week we are recapping previously taught sounds. 


ue - blue, glue, true, clue, argue, value

ew - flew, new, threw, stew, grew, chew

u-e - cute, cube, tube, rude, use, rule

aw -claw, saw, paw, straw, yawn, jaw



We have also recap these tricky words:


  • today
  • their
  • people
  • your

Phonics Week 1


This week we are recapping previously taught sounds. 


ay/a-e - play, crayon, spray, made, game, amaze

e/ea - fever, secret, being, bead, treat, least

ie/i-e - lie, tie, cried, fried, time, ripe, inside, prize

o/o-e - post, both, open, over, home, woke, explode, stone



We have also recap these tricky words:


  • they
  • sure
  • pure
  • said
  • were
  • one
  • says
  • here