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Year 6: Oak

Welcome to Oak Class. Term 6! 


                                                                          The Water leak of 2nd July 2024


Good morning everyone. I cannot tell you how gutted I am about the closure today. It would have been our first rehearsal in the the village hall. I will aim to make sure we are able to go in on Thursday or Friday. With that in mind please can the children use this day to learn their lines by heart. Practicing with family is brilliant so that they know the lines before and after their own line. They need to speak slowly, and loudly. 


If the children are word perfect, then they can choose something from the following:


 - Write a letter or create a leaflet to current year 5s about what its like to be in Year 6. Include positive experiences, but also any challenges they faced that they didn't expect. Do they have any helpful hints?


- Create an expenses table for the money raised and spent on their Year 6 leavers party. 


- Write their favourite memory speech for the leavers service. 


 I hope you all have a lovely day and will see you soon! 


Miss Leitch






Term 6                  


Welcome to term 6! It is hard to believe I am writing this, where has the time gone? I hope you have had a wonderful half term break, and managed to make some lovely memories together. My family and I were lucky enough to visit Disney Land Paris over the break which was great however, I don't think I will ever be the same again after experiencing "The tower of terror". I look forward to catching up with the children and hearing all about their half term. 


With SATS out of the way we can move our focus to other, slightly more exciting Year 6 events, such as the production, Bikeability and lots more!


Our topic this term is a History focus: Who should be on the bank note? The children may not see many bank notes in this digital world so it will be nice to consider them and the designs they have. 


Our class text is "The Final Year" which is all about being in year 6 and the emotions of moving on and growing up. We are going to write poetry to capture our emotions and thoughts and perform them. I think I will have to invest in some more tissues this term! 


This term we have Forest School on Thursdays. You should have received a letter about what the children should wear. I would always recommend a long sleeved top and trousers, even in the heat, as they will be exploring in the trees and bushes. Our PE slot will be on a Friday, however we also have 2 slots at the gym on 20th and 27th (both Thursdays - so children will already be in suitable clothing). 


Please check the topic web below to find out about all the other fantastic learning your child will do in Term 6. There is also a new home learning menu this term! It is optional of course, but it would be really lovely to see anything your child does at home, so that we can celebrate it in school.


BIKEABILITY is next week (1st week back) and children will need to bring their bikes into school.We will store them safely in class at the end of each day. The company will bring bikes for those who do not have them if you have indicated on your form. 


This is going to be a very busy term, so please keep your eye on your emails and arbor messages for any  further information. I know that children will have transition activities to attend. There is also a first aid course coming up and a visit to the local Vegan Farm. I will confirm the dates as soon as possible. 


 I am sure there will be time in the term for us to have conversations however, I would like to thank you all once again for your support and to the children for always giving their all in everything we do. I have had a magnificent year with them and I will miss them dearly. 


Bring on Term 6  - It's going to be BIG!

Best wishes,

Miss Leitch 





Term 6 Timetable (subject to change for various events throughout the term)

Water leak learning tasks 26.4.24

Home Learning (optional)

PGL Parent PowerPoint 2024
